Get the tools and information you need to provide the highest quality care for your employees while paying less. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. In healthcare, price does not correlate to quality. Practical solutions are now available to help you get the best of both worlds.
Healthcare is, at best, a broken marketplace. Healthcare inflation outpaces our ability to maintain the quality of care we want for our employees. My brokerage helps you curb inflation while improving your service.
A better partner will show you how to reduce your costs even further while providing better quality care for your employees.
Ultimately, this is about our opportunity to provide your employees and their families with the best possible quality of life.
The result is a corporate culture that inspires loyalty, gratitude, and dedication.
If you want to offer a PPO with a $500 deductible, the most expensive way to provide that benefit is to pay for a PPO with a $500 deductible. A smart broker will show you how to provide the same benefit at a lower cost to the company.
Rick Pumo,
Owner/Benefits Advisor
[email protected]
Batavia, IL 60510